Soul Cycle Castro Review


*Basic Information*

Reviewed Gym
SoulCycle Castro
Type of workouts
Spin/Cycling Class
400 Castro Street San Francisco, CA 94114
Review Date
06/21/2019 Friday 10:30 AM.

*Average range*

Any level (But no injury of the legs is essential)
Any (20-40+)
More female but relatively equal 


  • Fun chirography cycling experience with pump music
    Each instructor at SoulCycle has individual playlists and if your taste match with them, the workouts would be just like a party! Also, a bit of body move turns the cycle out to chirography cycling! Don’t worry, it’s not too hard.

  • Positivity energy
    An instructor would give a positive speech during the ride that leads you to have more confidence
    not only on the ride in the class but on the day!

  • Burning dumbbell workouts in the end
    You’ll end with some dumbbell workouts. The weights are light from 2-5 pounds but don’t underestimate this last portion. Your arms and shoulder will thank you after.

*For Who?*

  • People who want to do fun cycling like a party with pump music

  • People who want to have a positive vibe in your life

Tips: Don’t worry about not catching up with the tempo. People who seem to get on tempo so easily are regular riders. If you are a beginner, it is totally normal to get behind the tempo. Also, you can actually add more resistance than you think, sometimes it helps you to keep the balance on the ride!

Shower: Yes
Towel: Yes

Thank you Paula, the energy and positivity you provide were just what I needed today!
I’m excited to try many different instructors there as they have different own styles!

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