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AcroSports: Tumbling Beginning Class Review/ アメリカジム巡り🇺🇸🏋️‍♂️

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*Basic Information*

Reviewed Gym:
Type of workouts
Gymnastics/ Acrobatics
639 Frederick St, San Francisco, CA 94117, United States
Reviewed Class
12:00-1:30 pm Tumbling Beginning
Reviewed Date
10/15/2019 12:00-1:30 pm Tumbling Beginning

*Average range*

Beginner to Intermediate
Any (25-60+)
50% Male 50%Female


  • Chance to learn numerous drills or tumbling
    Are you nervous about your first tumbling class? Don’t worry, even though you have never done tumbling or any gymnastics, you can learn a lot of drills that you can work on based on your level! I do not have a gymnastic background and this was my first time trying tumbling but I would say I learn like 10 drills that I can work on!

  • Chance to learn different gymnastic movements
    There are so many tricks in tumbling: flips, somersaults, tucks, handstands, and handsprings. Some day or week, they focus on flips, someday or some week, they focus on handstand. There are also times that you can practice specific tricks that you want to work on more too. Besides this class, there are many gymnastic classes such as handstand, tissue/sling, and tricking.

  • Kids-friendly space
    AcroSports offer a lot of kids and youth class. Also, they have a kid area, so you can play with your baby while one of your kids are in a class. 2nd floor is an audience space and you can watch your kids doing gymnastics or just wait there too. Outside, you can also put the strollers.

  • WiFi offers
    I don’t know if you care, but who doesn’t like free WiFi? If you have some works or studies you need to do before attending a class, you can bring your laptop to do that. Just be ok that there may be a lot of kids around if you go there at the time of kids’ class (usually in the evening).

*For Who?*

  • People who want to learn tumbling at any level (beginner to intermediate)

    As I said, I did not have a gymnastic background and this was my first time trying tumbling but I learned a lot. Instructors have a lot of knowledge to share and they will take care of you!

  • People who want to get to learn many drills in gymnastics

    In baseline, you would need some same strength, mobility, and coordination in gymnastics. This class definitely gives you some skills to enhance your performance in gymnastics.

  • People who want your kids to learn gymnastics
    There are many kids and youth classes offered there. This is totally a kids-friendly place!


  • Be prepared for taking off your socks!
    Your socks will be eventually come off as you would do a lot of jumping! At the end of the class, you may jump into a box of fluffy cushions to learn jumping or flipping. And let me tell you, if you find your socks gone in the box, you would never find them so don’t wear your favorite socks!

  • Be prepared to get a little dizziness!
    I don’t want to scare you, but I have to say that you may feel dizzy a little bit if you are not familiar with throwing your body in the air or going up-side-down. This is a normal reaction for people who has no background of gymnastics as the instructor said, and you will feel comfortable and eventually won’t have dizziness once your body gets used to it. One thing you can do is to be aware of getting dizziness and to eat accordingly to your feeling and body’s need before the class.

Shower No
Towel No


Thank you, Reina, for having me for my first tumbling class in my life! Tumbling can be very intimidated, and I certainly thought that there would be not many things I could do as I am a total beginner. But I was wrong! I learned a lot of drills that can be applied not only to tumbling but to many gymnastic movements! I hope someday I can do a back flip!!

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