Spartan Race in San Jose 2019
My Second Spartan Race was booked!
This one was much wilder than the one I did in December 2018 at Oracle Park (SF Giants Stadium). One of symbolic Spartan Race opbstacle “soaking yourself in mud”…well, we had it this time. And I could not pass it because I wore contact lenses and did not have a goggle to protect my eyes, although I wanted to try!!!😭 The run part was not that hard compared to the last one I did in Oracle Park where I had to go up and down the stairs. Also, one of the fun parts was “go under the spider net” ( I just name it like this because I honestly don’t know how they call this obstacle: it is like there are mixed stings and you have to crawl under them in very steep uphills.
And here I am, this time there were
no monkey rings.Yet, there were monkey bars.
Unfortunately, I could not even try it
because my arms are too short and I could not reach the bar 😹
Participating this race was a surprise to gatorstrong, where I used to coach and do workout in the last semester at SFSU.
I did not tell my friends and I just showed up
in front of them haha and of course, did Spartan Race together.
The surprise was succeed and I had so much fun with them.
PS: This photo is the one that only gatorstrong members can understand lol We found you, Mike!!! haha
MARCH 17TH, 2019
2023Garmin Triathlon Paris🇫🇷
Sumire Violet幸せのおすそ分け
#筋トレ #ボクシング
#キックボクシング #ヨガ
#体操 #新体操 #ランニング
#ウェイトトレーニング #バレエ
#ダンス #柔術 #重量挙げ